I thrive on celebrations of life, small and large.
This weekend saw one of my most important life-tasks finally completed-- writing tuition checks for my daughter’s college education. It’s been a long haul and the credit for completing this task goes completely to the Lovely Miss Amanda, who may be one of the most self-directed young people in my family.
She got off to a very rocky start by attending a “women’s finishing school” near Boston California
And, she’s worked to pay most of her living expenses while she’s in college. She was a Starbucks’ barista in Sacramento
Her sole creative outlet for much of this time was a giant horse she was leasing and riding regularly. Samsom, provided both the attachment she needed and wanted while she busted her butt studying. Did I care that part of my tuition money went towards a horse that saw my daughter more than I did for several years?
Not really. Although after the second time the Lovely Miss Amanda was thrown by this 18-hand behemoth, I grew a little concerned.
Amanda’s college education has been a long haul. She’s forgone personal friendships, learned to live on a very tight budget and become more than I ever dreamed.
Last week, in a series of quick emails, she wrote the magic words every tuition paying Dad longs to hear, penning “Done, done done!”
I ran through the house and quickly told my mother, the cats, Mr. Perro and Miss Betsy the news. Now all I have to do is figure out what gift I can get to celebrate the occasion.
For her, it will be an appropriate bauble. For me, I’m thinking long range 2009 fishing trip in the Sea of Cortez, but I’ll settle for just a couple more yellowtail, zipping line from my little reel, as I steam up the seaward side of the San Diego kelp beds in my little boat just as soon as the water temp hits 68 degrees.
I need to add acknowledge my late Uncle, Mont Forbes and his sister, Bernadine Forbes Clark who helped me realize how important it is to help kids get through college.
Two through college and none left to go. My son is a teacher enjoying his career and my daughter is about to start hers.
Amanda and Sean, you kids just rock my world.—Jim Forbes on 02/02/2009.