My buddy Dave Churbuck over at just posted what I think is one of the sanest and most insightful comparisons of the Kindle versus IPad I’ve ever read.
Based on Churbuck’s review of the Kindle—back when—I went out and purchased one for the family book worm.
Churbuck’ latest technological valium of choice to help manage his reading habit is Apple’s iPad. And here’s what he says about it:
What I think is most important about slate computing is in Dave’s post—he technology will drive touch interface into the mainstream.
If you haven’t yet added Dave Churbuck to your regular blog reads do so now. He’s insightful, often spew coffee or milk-out-of your-nose-funny, and no one does a better job of writing sbout stalking the crafty Quahog clam.
Give him a read, now!. Do it for the clamming coverage.—Jim Forbes on 2/24/2010.